Metin2CMS - Documentation


The latest version of the CMS. This CMS is Open-Source and is accompanied by updates. To update to a newer version, enter in administrator panel.

Metin2CMS is distributed for free as open source.

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It is recommended PHP version >= 5.6.

Configuration database server

Go to config.php and edit the following lines:

	//Game database
	$host = "localhost";
	$user = "root";
	$password = "********";

Add a new page

Go to include/functions/pages.php and add a new page according following example:

		case 'name in url bar':
			$page = 'name of php file';
			$title = $lang['variable in language file for the title'];

After you will need add user friendly link from .htaccess. Example for :

	RewriteRule ^page/ index.php?p=page
	RewriteRule ^page index.php?p=page

Edit mail settings

Email and password

Open config.php and edit the following lines. You will need PHPMailer tutorial. At this point it is configured on gmail servers.

	$email_username = '[email protected]';//gmail account
	$email_password = '********';//gmail password

Edit email server

Go to config.php. You'll find these lines:

	$mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';					// for special chars
	$mail->SMTPAuth   = true;					// enable SMTP authentication
	$mail->SMTPSecure = "tls";					// sets the prefix to the servier
	$mail->Host       = "";		// sets GMAIL as the SMTP server
	$mail->Port       = 587;					// set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server

Language file

After these settings you must add a new language file: include/languages/ <language code> .php

Add languages


Got to include/functions/language.php


In the next switch($lang) add your language code.
You can also change default language.

	switch ($lang) {
		case 'en':
		$language_code = "en";
		case 'ro':
		$language_code = "ro";
		$language_code = "ro";


In the next array you need add your language name, by the code.

	$language_codes = array(
			'en' => 'English' , 
			'ro' => 'Română');

Language file

After these settings you must add a new language file: include/languages/ <language code> .php


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